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Keys to a Healthy Missional Church

Forum Themes:

(1) Authentic Leadership 真摯領導​

How Kingdom Mindset Affects Raising of New Leadership: Revisit the Idea of Authority and Power
國度思維如何影響新領袖的興起: 重新檢視 「權柄」與 「能力」這兩個概念

(2) Covenantal Fellowship 盟約相交

Missional Church and Discipleship: Renewing the Idea of Doing Church
使命教會與訓練門徒: 更新 「運作教會」這一回事

(3) Strategic Partnership 策略夥伴

Vital Elements in Sustainable Partnership



“Keys to a healthy Missional Church” This is the theme message of the coming 9th All Asia EFC Conference.


The Great Commission and the Great Commandment are the most important concepts of “Missional Church” which help us to navigate and comply with the objective of being the Body of Christ. The two concepts shaped the outlook and behaviors of the Christian community. So, as we are fulfilling God’s will, we need to address this calling and empower Christians for proclaiming and witnessing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


With reference to the church at Antioch, as the leaders gathered together to worship, pray, and ask for guidance to advance the Gospel, the Holy Spirit told them to send Paul and Barnabus as the missionaries. (Acts13) Our conference will narrow down those various keys of a Healthy Missional Church into 3 main foci:

  1. Authentic Leadership—Leadership is one of the keys Jesus called the twelve, nurtured them and led them by His own example, called them to walk closely with the Father and guided them by the light of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Covenantal Fellowship—Relationship between Christians, leaders and churches is described as ‘Fellowship’ in the Bible. Based on the common foundation and objectives, the barriers in-between can be broken, love can be shared and the Great commission can be done.

  3. Strategic Partnership—There is no single local church that can claim her self sufficient. Churches need to cooperate with each other as partners, to advancing those frontiers for the opportunity is at hand. Preach the Gospel all the world because the time has come.


We, sincerely invite you to join with us in this precious conference. Come and meet with our Asian EFC brothers and sisters. For the time is near, let’s join hands together to worship, pray, partake and discuss in one accord to understand the will of our Master.

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